Homemade Crepes

Thought I posted this one on May 2nd.  When I was checking posts it said it wasn't published...go figure.

I cook way more when the kids are here.  Looking back on this week, it's evident.  Now they are gone, my food today consisted of a Lean Pocket and a salad thrown together of bits and pieces from the fridge.  Not very exciting or blog worthy, unless you factor in the chance I have a chance to whine about it.

For their last night here, I wanted to do something special.  We were going to buy a cake or pie from the grocery store but it seemed they were choosing one just to have one.  Then I had an idea.  The boys loved the crepes we had at the restaurant for Easter brunch.  I had made crepes before so I knew they weren't that hard.  I remember there was quite a bit of butter in the recipe that I used.  I went looking for a fat free version and found quite a few.  

Crepe batter is simple anyway.  Most call for butter, flour, salt, milk and eggs.  All the recipes I was looking at nixed the butter.  I narrowed it down to two of them.   The major difference is that one used whole eggs (so not fat free but lower in fat) and one used just the whites.  I opted for the whole eggs.  I felt it would make a slightly richer crepe. You can find the recipe HERE

We weren't disappointed.  They cooked beautifully and tasted decadent. 

Rabbit ate his with canned peaches, cinnamon and whipped cream inside and topped with more whipped cream.   

We are still getting Horse to eat fruits, so he opted for chocolate chips, cinnamon, mixed nuts and whipped cream.

It was altogether, a special dessert. I refrigerated the leftover ones and am contemplating their use even as I type.


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